About Homeopathy with Dominic
What Happens During A Consultation?
Consultations take place at the Haslemere Complementary Therapy Centre, situated above the Apothecary 27 health shop in Wey Hill, Haslemere. Home visits can be arranged where patient mobility is a problem. An initial consultation lasts approximately 90 minutes.
During our consultation I will be paying careful attention to your medical history, and hearing your thoughts as to the factors which may directly have influenced your current state of health. I will be trying to learn as much about you as possible, your personal story, family history, your lifestyle and wider interests and preferences, and building a detailed symptom picture, that corresponds with your own individual essential nature. My aim will be to find the cause of the disturbance in your health and then to identify the homeopathic medicine(s) required to bring about a gentle restoration to normality.
Having established and explained details of your treatment plan, I will be recommending a second shorter consultation, to take place four to six weeks after completion, to assess the progress of the treatment and identify any further factors arising as a consequence.
What Can I Expect From The Treatment?
On the basis that you have come to homeopathy because of a disturbance in your normal way of experiencing health, or perhaps a change in your relationship to your environment, the successful treatment will restore harmony and balance at that level. So that you are not merely less prone to symptoms, but better disposed overall towards the challenges which you face every day.
How Much Will It Cost?
All consultations are charged at £65, to include subsequent analysis and general feedback. This does not include the price of the remedies, which will normally be in the form of small dissolvable tablets, powders or drops. The cost of these is generally not felt to be prohibitive.
Dominic Upton BA RSHom MLIHM
I am a Registered Homeopath with over 30 years experience in the field of holistic and complementary health care. I help to run a regular free homeopathy drop-in clinic in Haslemere, South-West Surrey, meanwhile my own comfortable and well-appointed rooms in Haslemere accommodate my full-time consulting practice. I run introductory courses in homeopathy in the community, organise a number of networking groups for professional homeopaths, and am the President of the Laurence Society of Holistic Medicine, a registered charity which investigates the causative factors behind acute, chronic and persistent complaints. As a practitioner of Psionic Medicine I incorporate the art of Radiesthesia into a system which encompasses orthodox and homeopathic techniques of analysis and treatment.
Can Homeopathy Help You?
Homeopathy has been used to great effect by those experiencing common seasonal complaints, short term, virulent “acute” ailments, and long standing or “chronic” physical, mental and emotional conditions.
Homeopathic remedies are easy and pleasant to take, and can be used by adults and children of all ages.
What Is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a safe and effective system of complementary medicine which has been used worldwide for over 200 years. Each patient’s case is regarded as unique, but in all cases the aim of the homeopath is to bring about a state of health through the stimulation of the healing mechanism, as opposed to the suppression of symptoms.
In homeopathy the therapeutic relationship between patient and homeopath is very important, consultations are set up to enable a “whole person” approach to treatment. The patient-centred attitude is routinely cited as being a most valuable part of the healing process, by patients who appreciate being listened to and treated as individuals. Remedies are prescribed on the basis of specific expressions of disease and the unique way in which each patient experiences his or her life. They can be used alongside conventional medicine.
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